
Monday, April 6, 2009


Today is day 147 since the rams were put in their breeding groups with the ewes, and I knew that Lovey was due today (she and Max were romancing the instant that I put them together). Lovey is one of my most considerate ewes and always lambs at appropriate times, during the day, when I am with her. You have no idea how much I appreciate that! Not only is she considerate, but this is the second year in a row that she delivered twin ewe lambs. She really outdid herself this year and gave me what I asked for, a MOORIT GULMOGET EWE! She also had a beautiful musket ewe lamb. Bred to Max (F2 Dillon), those were the only possible patterns since he is (grey) ag gulmoget and she is solid black. Obviously both Lovey and Max carry moorit : ).
Little gully girl, still wet.

She looks to have pretty even crimp to her fleece at this point, and both lambs have their sire's nice tail. YAY!Musket ewe lamb.Being born is hard work!

"There sure are a lot of pictures of my Gulmoget sister in this post!!"

It looks like a couple of my other ewes are making plans for looks like it's going to be a crazy week!


ChristyACB said...

Oh how adorable! They do look like they worked awful hard at being born. Congratulations to you and to the proud mama!

Unknown said...

Off to a great start!!!! I pray you have a "EWE" kinda lambing season!! And will that little gullie be staying with you?:)

Claire MW said...

And NOW who has lamb envy??!! That would be ME!! They are gorgeous! Lucky you!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

ok NOW its my turn to be jealous! I *WANT* and *NEED* a moorit gulmoget ewe! The end!

no fair. You, Juliann and Michelle all have moorit gulmogets *arm cross*

But I am happy that you got want you wanted :) :)

Kara said...

Oh what a way to start! Congrats, they are beautiful.

Marie said...

Can't wait to get my hands on the little darlings~and then when they are old enough,spoil them with cookies!! It so sucked that I had class tonight!! Tell the rest of the girls I am free the rest of the week!!

Christine said...

I just can't get over how cute they are. I can't wait to get some of my own.

Kristin said...

They're so cute!

Rayna said...

*jealous* I WANT GULMOGERS! *cry* I still have to wait like a whole MONTH before Garrett can hate me too...tee hee :D

Carolyn Evans-Dean said...

AWWWW.... Can they come visit me?

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodness comes in fleece! They are beautiful babies. Just please don't give me a test on sheep types - I'm struggling here. I always thought a sheep was a sheep was a I've got strange words like "gulmoget" and "moorit" and "HST" dancing through my head!

Nancy in Atlanta

Michelle said...

Congratulations!! Pretty great to get two brown-based EWE lambs out of their black parents! Oh, and welcome to the 2009 Gully Club. :-)

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