
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just stuff

After a *gentle* urging from some of my readers, I decided that it was time I update this blog. There has been nothing terribly exciting going on, but I will give you a quick run down to get you caught up and let you know that we are all still alive and well.
Over the last few weeks we have had a lot of this..........
Then it got incredibly, unbearably, stifling hot. Of course Emma didn't mind the heat as long as she had her swimming pool...and her Jolly Ball.
Our grand-nephew Zach decided to accompany Emma for an afternoon swim...with all of his clothes on. In my opinion, this is how every child should spend their summer....splashing in a pool full of stinky farm dog, floating grass clippings and a slimy Jolly Ball....yeah, you might not want us to babysit for you.Since Mama Llama doesn't have her own pool, she had to do the next best thing to contend with the heat. Llamas like to have cool bellies and Mama would love to stand there all day having her belly sprayed.The air show always goes right over our farm every year in June. I am not a fan of aircraft of any kind, I hate to fly and I would never pay to go and watch the whole airshow....but boy do I love that big jet noise that the Blue Angels make when they fly over.....I'm not gonna lie...I think it's kinda hot.

The chicks are growing like crazy.
The Blue Cochins are starting to feather out.And who doesn't love a cute chicken bum? OK, maybe that's just me on that one...seriously though, look at that bum.The Mille Fleur Leghorn chicks are really changing. These are the most precocious chicks ever! They are only a few weeks old and already go over, under and through the chicken fencing, wandering out into the horse pasture alone. Out of the 10 chicks that I got, it looks like about half are cockerels....anyone need a roo???? Please???? Anyone??

Flowers are finally blooming. And we have seen the return of some good insects.....
And some very baaaad insects! The Japanese beetles are back and loving my flowers, although, since we are surrounded by cornfields this year, they are much less of a threat than the years that soybeans are planted around us. They are drawn to soybeans like a magnet and are happy to hop right on over into my gardens while they are at it.Some of the lambs have left for their new homes. Magnus was the first to go. He is really looking great and I am so happy with the way his horns are looking at this point. Strangely, his mother didn't seem very sad to see him go.....might have had something to do with those big horns and the fact that he was still trying to nurse......Ande is just feeling altogether neglected with all these lambs and chicks running around.
The big news though, is that after having his job eliminated January first, and being at home looking for gainful employment... for the past six months...Gary is finally back to work! Yay! YAY! YAY! I'm just sayin'....that's a lot of together time......oops, sorry honey, did I say that out loud?


Miss Effie said...

No .... you didn't say it out loud. Just a teeny tiny little whisper.

Those cochins are beautiful!!! Got to get me some of those!!! Oh -- did I say that out loud?? Honey might just hear that one and have something to say.

Patsy said...

So glad you up dated I have put you on my blog list .If you don't mine. Love reading about the farm.

Nancy K. said...

I have a friend who keeps an all rooster 'bachalor flock'. She's gone a lot and isn't around to bother with eggs and finds that with no hens the boys don't fight. They are also better able to protect themselves against predators. Or so I'm told...

I've thought about doing that. All I have is one hen and two roosters. Poor Ann Margaret!

Your chick pictures are SO adorable.

Thanks for the smiles!

Becky Utecht said...

I love chick (and duckling) bums too. That butterfly shot is really nice! Glad to hear about the new job. I know how hard it is to get a job these days. We're thinking about getting a llama to guard the sheep, so I enjoyed your cute llama shots too.

Sharrie said...

Nothing wrong with your last comment. Remember "familiarity breeds contempt". I remember the six months after surgery that my husband was home......

tbsomeday said...

i was having crosswinds withdrawal!

beautiful photos as always!! can you do my family pics? :)

love the dog and kiddos of course...chicks with mommas melt my heart, butterfly one was lovely...oh heck, they were all lovely!

YEAH for gary and YIPPPEEE for you!!!!...when my hubby was laid off for 5 months it was awful!

Crosswinds Farm said...

Be careful what you wish for Clink, I may just bring home a few extra for you next time I go to the flea market!!

Hi Patsy! Thanks stopping by my blog and for adding me to your list. I checked out all of your lovely quilting projects...very cool!

Nancy, I also have a couple of roos that I just let wander about and they get along just great when the girls are not involved....but I am at roo capacity! Maybe I should bring some up to Minnesota???

Hi Becky,the llamas are very entertaining to say the least!They do seem to be doing their job as guardians, and for the most part they are pretty low maintanace....although Ande is WAY too friendly!!

Sharrie, after never having been unemployed for his entire life, this is the second time in two years that Gary has had his position eliminated. Both times he was out for 6 months...I feel your pain LOL!

Hi Tabitha!I am going to try to be better about posting more often. I think this time of year there is so much to do outside that by the time I come in there is no time left for blogging!Say "hi" to Baa Baa and Chocolate Bambie for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see you back, Corinne - I stopped in every day just to be sure I didn't miss anything. I figured it had to do with summer, work outside, lots of things to do. Whereas I spend my time right here!

I love the pictures, and the chick bums are adorable, as are the rest of the little tykes. Congratulations on the job, Gary - it's tough for everyone right now.

OK, back to packing - I'll be Nancy in Iowa in a few weeks!

Nancy in Atlanta

Crosswinds Farm said...

OMG, Nancy in Atlanta, I didn't realize that you are MOVING here to Iowa! I expect a visit someday!!

Gone2theDawgs said...

Looks like plenty has been happening around your place! I LOVE the pic of Emma and Zach in her swimming pool!! It IS a great way for a child to spend their summer. :) I have a kiddie swimming pool for my dogs and also for my emu pair....I don't know who loves it more! :)

Christine said...

Cutest chicken bum ever!

Claire MW said...

Loving all those pics! Great shots of the butterfly and the chick butt. I am especially envious of that because my blue feathered chicks did not do at all well this year. I share your distaste for flying but the formation shot of the angels is so cool. I keep forgetting to call Carol about the donkey. Argh. Life is so busy.

Michelle said...

Hurray for jobs and husbands with things to do away from home!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

more lamb photos please!

Unknown said...

We stopped by your place today on a whim, and your helpful husband introduced my children and I to Ande and the dogs, as well as Morgan. I was excited to learn you do the Farmer's Markets! We would love to watch some of the shearing action sometime! My oldest and I are learning to knit. Thanks to you and Gary for your hospitality.

Unknown said...
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