
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Four girls for every boyyy.

It's that time of year again, love is in the air and all the sheepies have turned to thoughts of romance....errr lust. Last weekend my two rent-a-rams arrived and there has been a lot of wanton gazing across the pastures....well, at least on the boys end of the pasture. So far the ewes don't seem too terribly far. Since I am a wimp and don't like lambing in the cold, I will not be putting the boys in with their respective harems until the middle of November-that will give me mid-April lambs.

Rent-a-ram #1. This is Gilroy, he will be getting 4 least this is the plan at the moment, I could change my mind, possibly several times, between now and the middle of November.
Gilroy has amazing single-coated fleece that is super-fine and soft. He also has really nice conformation, a wide rear and tiny little tail...things that some of my ewes can use improvement on. He also has an awesome, wide horn set...something else I have been working on in my flock. And, of course, he is spotted and we all know how I feel about spots.

Gilroys it stands now...subject to change, of course...
Halley (F3 Dillon) gulmoget..the one in the foreground of the picture..with the attitude. Halley has intermediate fleece, it is soft and crimpy, but I am hoping that using Gilroy on her will help shorten the fleece in her lambs. I am also hoping that he will pass on his nice rear and tail to his offspring. Lilly, right behind Halley..the one with iset, yes, I know, we don't like iset, but Lilly threw some nice ewe lambs for me last year, so I am going to put her in the mix again this year.
Lovey is going with Gilroy too. Lovey is a spot carrier. Overall she has pretty nice conformation, but I would like to see nicer rears and tails in her lambs as well.
Bachelorette #4 is Daisy. Daisy has great conformation and is modified and, obviously, she is spotted. Daisy's fleece is really nothing to write home about, it is definitely not single-coated, fine or even very soft, but it spins up wonderfully and her yarn is always one of the first to sell. I almost sold her this summer, but she did give me some really nice lambs this year so I am going to breed her once more and see what she can produce when she is bred to this very fine-fleeced ram.
This is Red Lion. He is an absolutely gorgeous mioget ram and I am so glad that I will be able to use him for breeding this fall as well. As you can see he is chomping at the bit to meet his new girlfriends. Lion's batchelorette #1 is Willow. Willow is one of my favorite ewes....I know, she is Ag and I have expressed countless times my lack of enthusiasm for the Ag pattern, BUT, She has outstanding conformation, great fleece, a tiny tail and nice wool on her cheeks and poll. I think this pairing should produce something really spectacular.
Batchelorette #2, Cassie. Cassie was not cooperative with the paparazzi for this photo, hence the distant diva pose.
#3 on the love list is Luna. Luna and Cassie both have very nice single-coated fleece...I am planning to send off some fleece samples of everyone next week for micron testing. Luna's fleece is exceptionally soft and fine and I am hoping for some nice low numbers on her report.
Lucky #4 is Edrea.
This is Edrea's fleece....that's all I am going to say about that!
One more item of business. I have a boy for sale. Some of you may remember Ferdinand, one of the lambs from this year. He was the one with the ginormous ears as a lamb, and I was waiting to see if he would grow into them...he didn't. Unfortunately he also has a slight overbite which really seals the deal...he needs to be wethered. He will probably be going in for his 'procedure' next week.
Ferdie is super sweet and friendly...AND.....
....THIS is his fleece.
Head to britch-soft, soft, crimpy, yummy fleece.
"Hey Rocky, mom took you to the vet for this 'wethering' thing....what does that mean? It can't be that bad, can it?"
"OMG, Lion, Rocky just told me that the crazy woman wants to remove my manparts! You distract her and I'll make a run for it."
"I don't even have top teeth, how can I have an overbite? Why can't I just get braces like other kids?"

Email me for more info on Ferdie, I haven't put him on my website yet.......I haven't even been to my website in months...ooops!


~*Sarah*~ said...

ohhh, boy #1 is purrrrdy!!!! so is #2, but #1's color..yummm...

I want ferdie :( he may be a geek, but he's a geek with great hair!! oh backyard doesn't want ferdie *sigh* too bad :)

Ebonwald Cardigans said...
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Michelle said...

So where do you find such nice rental rams? Sounds like a great arrangement if you can do it! I'll bet you have a knock-out lamb crop next year.

Rayna said...

beautiful fleece on ferdie! Breeding groups are looking good! I need to get photos of my breeding groups up...*sigh*

Mom L said...

Poor Ferdie - learning the facts of life from the schoolyard.

Gail V said...

Love your photos, love your ram-talk. Lovely fleece on that boy who's going in for the big V, or W, or whatever you call it.

tbsomeday said...

internet temptations :)
ooh, i loved little ferdie when we came up! he was so sweet!
the crimpies are lovely--are they burr proof? (baa baa's issue)

great pics, funny post and entertaining...i don't know what an isis is and i'm not nearly as discerning about tails and behinds (did you say your girls need wider tushes? that seems to go against the grain) and i liked the color of the ewe that you didn't--ag was it?
see--i'm hopeless on knowing what's "in"...good thing i have baa baa and he has no man parts either :)

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