Have you ever had the feeling that someone, or something, is watching you? You just can't quite to put your finger on it, but something just doesn't seem right? I have that feeling all the time when I am outside doing chores. I don't know what it is, I just can't seem to shake it.

I know that it is silly and there is no logical reason for me to have this anxiety, but whenever I am outside trying to complete my chores, whether I am working on something near the ground....... It's almost like there is something lurking behind every fence post.
As if something is lying in wait, under the cover of a leafy curtain, planning it's attack. Watching my every move.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 2nd to last photo of him half looking in the barn!! When I visited I could tell how much he loved you :) :D ;) :P
The best kind of stalker to have:) Too cute of a post!
Very cute post, I love those photos. How do you like having him as a guardian? I am still debating if I need to add a guardian here. And if, more likely when, I do...what kind would be the best for my situation.
haha--very cute
now i have that "somebody's watching me" song in my head
maybe i should have skipped the livestock guardian dog and went for the fuzzy stalker instead
He's the kind of stalker everyone could enjoy! Looks like you're part of the flock that needs to be guarded....heh!
Nancy in Iowa
Great pictures! I too love the one peeking through the barn door - perfect! The "somebody's watching me" effect is quadrupled here when I am anywhere in eyesight of the larger pasture. Four heads moving in unison. It's enough to keep the deer off our property since we got our llamas, which meant we had way less ticks this year. A nice side effect. Almost worth getting spat on once in a while.
heheh too cute :)
I love the one at the end with the big nose! Very Cute!
Absolutely adorable! We are in the process of looking for another llama.....sure do hope we find a "stalker" as cute as this guy!!! Love the first photo...."Is that you, Mom?"
Great pictures as always! Thanks so much for sharing.
Great pictures as always! Thanks so much for sharing.
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