Good-bye 2007! I am ready for a new year. I have packed up the Christmas tree, taken down the decorations, and finished all of my year-end paperwork. Rent-a-ram will be going home this weekend (weather permitting), and I can reconfigure my barns and fencing back to where I am not climbing fences with buckets of water, and flakes of hay, and apologizing to my sheep when I swing my leg over a fence and whack one of them in the jaw accidentally.
2007 definitely had some high points. Who could forget the unexpected arrival of Ande, the llama, or the excitement when the first Shetland lambs were born here at Crosswinds? Okay, maybe it wasn't all that thrilling to everyone, but as I have mentioned numerous times before, I am easily amused.
This year has also presented some challenges for our family, and I am hoping for better things in the new year. That said, bring on 2008.
I think that what the girls would like in the new year, is a little less snow. We have had an incredible amount of snow/ice storms for this time of year, weather much more typical of February than December.
"Yes, less snow would be nice!"
Apollo, one of our ram lambs, says,"I would have to agree with the girls."
Frosty pony whiskers are awfully cute though.
Ande seems to be the only one enjoying the snow....
Oh, wait..
There is Emma
We are going to bury her with this ridiculous ball someday. She has actually worn her teeth down from carrying it around like it is her job.......I guess it kind of is, she is a retriever after all.
Happy New Year Everyone.
I think your snow is LOVELY -- but then of course I don't have to be out in it! :-) And your "rent-a-ram" arrangement is ideal; glad you had a ram that you liked available! Out here, I have to own my own if I want to breed for pollies....
Yes, having driven to LeClaire and back twice in the last 24 hours, and braving the blowing snow this morning, I'm with the sheep!
Great Pictures! I love the snowy nose pictures.
In western Iowa...we want some warmer days too!! (though we realize the warmer weather will mean that we will have MUDD from all the melting snow!)
cute mommy:)
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