
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lambs! Ok, just one lamb, but still....

Well, we are finally making some progress! This morning at 8:30 a solid black ewe lamb was born.
She is out of Sheltering Pines Mirabile Visu and Sommarang Gilroy.
Last year I got a fine-fleeced gulmoget ewe lamb from this same pairing, and I was kind of hoping for another gulmoget, but this little girl is lovely. She looks like she will likely have intermediate fleece like her mom. She already stands nice and square and has a tiny little Shetland tail. Her sire is spotted so she is a spot carrier.
 She is already very friendly like her dam..OK, so all of my sheep are friendly, whatever.
 ....and very energetic! I can't wait until she has a few friends to join her for the lamb races.
There are at least a couple other ladies in waiting that look like they are getting very close to lambing. I think they are plotting to do it tonight because the weather forecast is calling for severe storms. Nothing says sheep/shepherd bonding like delivering lambs while tornado sirens are blasting.
In case you are wondering why 'she' doesn't have a name usual, I have been slacking and not chosen a theme for names....'cause it's not like I've had the last FIVE months to think about it or anything...

More updates later!


Anonymous said...

Congradulations!! At least you have a lamb so the wait for more is not as painful! She is adorable!! Are you keeping her?

Katie Browne said...

Congrats on your new baby! I found your site yesterday while googling "Quad City sheep". My 4 yr old daughter LOVES lambs/sheep and I was trying to find a place we could visit where she could see them in person. Do you ever have visitors out to your farm to see the sheep? We will keep checking your blog and hope that you have many more healthy new lambs! Thank you for posting all the pictures!

janna e said...

She is lovely! Well worth the wait. Congratulations on the start of the best season of the year!

Teresa said...

Yeah! She is adorable. I know what you mean about tornados and going out to the barn. That's where I usually am during severe weather too. Hope all goes well--weather and babies.

Ginny said...

She is soo cute. Congrats!!

Nancy K. said...

congrats on starting with a ewe lamb! may all the rest be girls...except for my little HST ram lamb. ;-)

Kelly said...

She may be the only one, but she's a looker! Can't wait to see the rest of your babies.

The Little Red Hen said...

beautiful baby! Keep 'em coming.

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