
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Too much of a good thing? I think not!

So, where did we leave off? Oh, yes. Sheepy Hollow Lovey x Firth of Fifth Avyt had a set of twin ram lambs on Tuesday. Both boys are very dark moorit (brown for my non-sheepie friends) and have very nice crimpy fleece and very nice conformation. Both carry spots. These boys will be for sale (pending evaluations).

Edrea also lambed that day, she had a ram and a ewe, also both dark moorit in color.
Edrea's ewe lamb, sporting a lovely uni brow.
Aaaand, for whatever reason, I don't seem to have a picture of the rammy.

Yesterday morning Willow delivered.....remember big Willow?
This Willow?
What did she have in there, you might ask?

She had a ram lamb. As in singular. As in ONE. Lamb. A lamb.

 Not even a huge lamb....just one.
 He is ag grey with the most wonderful fleece. He also has nice conformation, although he is standing funny here-it was his first few minutes outside.
I am waiting for the vet to call so I can get some oxytocin for Willow, she has not expelled all of her placenta and it has been 24 hours so we need to get some contractions going. I think her voluptuous size gave her a little trouble in the muscle contraction department. I don't want to take any chances on infection so she will get some antibiotics as well. I'm thinking that maybe a diet is in order after weaning.

Now for some gratuitous lamb photos.
Cassie and her girls...or, one and a half of her girls..the other is hiding behind her.

Daisy's ram and ewe....I don't know what is going on with her fleece...I hope it is just birth-coat cause she is looking a little poodle-esque.

Laurel's boys. I love, love, love, these guys. Not for sale at this time.

The end!
Stay tuned, Lilly has something planned soon...I think.


Karen Anne said...

Could Willow have sombody else in there?

Kelly said...

Lovely Corinne. The spotty boys are sure a flashy compliment to those yummy fleeced moorit babies.
Lots of moorit at my place this year.

Michelle said...

Willow's boy's head looks just like a cute little skunk! I think his name should be PePe Le Pew. :-)

Nancy K. said...

I can't get over the markings on Laurel's boys! I love the Snuffeluffagus butt!

I'm still waiting...


How are you feeling, my Friend???

Teresa said...

They are all looking so good!

Anonymous said...

Really?!?! Willow just had ONE in there?!? Oh my!! And all your lambs are gorgeous!! Laurel's boys are still my favourite on the flash meter!

Mary Ann said...

I don't know much about sheep, or Shetland sheep, but I think they are so very beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the fetching lambs!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog off of Eden Hills! I didn't know that lambs are cute until I looked at all of your babies! I hope Willow turns out OK!


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