White Chicken asks,
"Can we talk about something besides sheep today?"
Here in Southeastern Iowa the daytime temperatures have been hovering around the lower 90's for the past 6 days, which is not all that unusual here later in the summer..but...it's not summer yet. The hot weather is really hard on the animals, but the humidity that we have here in the Midwest is what makes this type of weather so unbearable. Last night we finally got a reprieve from the heat as a cold front pushed in and brought some much needed rain along with it.
It is amazing how a little heat and rain can make the garden.... and weeds, go into a wild growing frenzy (maybe the horse, sheep, and chicken manure have something to do with it too). After I spent most of the afternoon weeding the garden, I was planning on taking some more photos of the sheep to post here. While trying to get a photo op from my uncooperative ovine friends, I noticed how much the corn fields around us have changed just in the last couple of days. It occurred to me that non-Iowegeon people that read this blog may ( or.. may not ) be interested....then again I think there are only 2 people that read this, so no harm done. Now, many of the other Shetland breeders who's farms I have visited or blogs that I have read, have beautiful views of mountains, or peaceful lakes, or rocky slopes filled with wild flowers....we have corn. Okay, it is beautiful corn, if you ask any of my farmer friends, but It's corn. I would be remiss if I didn't mention soybeans too, but with the greater demand for corn and the price going along with the demand, there is a lot more corn being grown. So, without further ado. Our sweeping view of the....hmmmmmm, I think I will call it maize, it sounds more alluring.
This is our view to the north. I was standing next to our pasture fence to take this photo. Right now the corn is about even with the top of our posts which stand about 53". I don't know who came up with the saying, "Knee high by the forth of July" but it is clear that they weren't from

...and the South...

...and the East..

....and the West

Hmmmmm, do you see a theme here? Now, I must say that there ARE very picturesque parts of Iowa with hills and trees. We happen to be in the Mississippi Valley area which has much less diversity in the landscape, but it has it's own charm nonetheless. There are also some benefits to raising animals in this river valley, we have extremely fertile farmland, so there is always plenty of pasture, and feed is always easy to come by. I can buy really good alfalfa hay from my neighbor for $2.00 a bale. We always have a clear view of the night time sky and the fireflies lighting the fields like twinkling Christmas lights. It may not be the most scenic place on earth, but we are happy here. : )