This year she lightened quite a bit, which I attributed to age and bleaching from our extremely hot summer....until I parted her fleece to take a closer look.

This is what her fleece looks like today, almost a grey/brown color......charcoal/pewter??? She does have some modified colors in her pedigree. Any ideas? I should add that Daisy was bred to my Moorit flecket ram last fall and her resulting ram lamb Ace appeared to be black/white from birth....he has lightened a bit, but if he is a true black then Daisy can't be brown ( brown bred to brown=brown)...she looks brown toned to me! ?????

After weeks of suffocating heat and monsoon like precipitation, Our weather here has turned absolutely gorgeous. It was 78 degrees here today with very low humidity and it is expected to remain just as nice for the next week or so. It is amazing how much the weather can affect one's frame of mind....at least mine. Instead of simply doing chores, filling water, filling water, and, oh yeah, filling water, I have been able to spend some time enjoying all of things that make me love this place so much. Yesterday, I took my quarter horse, Jake, out for a ride without us both ending up in a puddle of sweat!

My next project is to get Morgan, (the little pony behind Jake) "started" now that the weather is getting cooler. Morgan is 3 now, I have done tons of ground work with her, but I should have started her under saddle this spring........my excuses?? Time and weather......plus, I have to gear myself up for it, she definitely has the "pony attitude", so she will be a challenge and I am not as young as I once was!
I had to post a picture of Jasmine, our Arabian, too. Jas technically is our beautiful daughter Nicole's horse, we have had her since she was two and Nicole was 11. Nicole is currently a very busy neurobiology major at the University of Iowa without much free time, so Jasmine has always lived with us....and we pay her vet bills....and farrier...and feed bills...but it's Nicole's horse...I'm not sure how that works.

The garden is winding down for the season. Remember my pumpkin plants that were taking over Eldridge? They finally succumbed to squash vine borers, (my fault, I don't spray anything) but I still got a respectable crop, all things considered.

Ande looks like he is busy getting ready for the Labor day weekend....I am not sure what that entails for a llama...but, whatever.