
Friday, July 17, 2009

Autumn in July

The weather here in Iowa is feeling a lot more like September than July lately. The daytime high temperature today was 63, and overnight it is expected to drop into the upper 40's or low 50's. It seems as though summer has barely begun, but the crisp air and brisk breeze today reminded me that fall is not such a distant season.

I thought that I would take advantage of the cooler temps and get started on some canning. It is much better to fill the kitchen with pots of boiling water and steam when the outside temps are in the 60's rather than when they are, say, 90ish where they would normally be this time of year...otherwise it leads to an activity that my friend, Miss Effie, calls "nearly-naked canning" her defense there is no air conditioning in her house. I digress.
I am way behind on canning/freezing this year....but then again, the garden has been way behind too, and much of the produce is just starting to come in. Today I got 27 jars of strawberry jam finished for market...well, that is, whatever jars make it to market! Strawberry jam is kind of a favorite around here. I will make Blueberry next week. Hey, now just for fun, let's watch the Iowa corn grow, shall we? These pictures were taken 10 days apart. For this completely non-scientific experiment, you can look at the tower in the background to show just how wild and crazy the corn has grown. That, and the fact that the neighbor's house disappears.Another experiment that I am conducting...........
I have several hydrangea bushes that are growing quite nicely with their beautiful bunches of pink flowers....therein lies the problem. Our daughter is getting married on August 8th and decided LAST WEEK that she would like a hydrangea bouquet to hydrangeas. I am all about the blue hydrangeas. I love them. Problem is, we live in Iowa, we have fertile, alkaline soil to the max. Hydrangeas only turn blue in acidic soil. SOoooo, I have been adding aluminum sulfate, peat moss and an organic fertilizer that "will turn pink hydrangeas blue". Hmmm, so far I am not seeing anything, there are some new blossoms that will be opening before the wedding...I will keep you posted!Maybe I can talk her into some purple Cone Flowers instead...I have lots of those!
Lambies are growing too. Halley wanted to show you her new jewelery. We tagged all the lambs last weekend-my least favorite job ever, but it is done now until we have new lambs next year.


Unknown said...

I love that first photo!! Beautiful! Ohio's weather is going to be very fall like to...but I do love it! Blueberry next week?? Yummy....a favorite of mine! I am attempting my first canning of pickles this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Corinne - I've been so happy to hear about Iowa's cooler weather - Diane has told me it's the same in SW Iowa. Packing is almost done, stuff going on a truck tomorrow, then the end of the month I head for Iowa! Diane is flying in to visit friends and do photo shoots, then we'll road trip together with Emma, the cat. I wish I were going to be close enough to you to try some of those beautiful veggies!

Christine said...

Our corn has shot up like that, too. Can't see any of the neighbors anymore, we're surrounded. I'll be doing some canning this afternoon while it's cool. I might go out and tackle some overgrown weedy areas too now that I can wear long sleeves without passing out from the heat.

Tammy said...

It's very nice and cool here in Missouri least for today. I also love that first photo...what a beautiful framed picture that would make.

Nancy K. said...

I LOVE that first photo!

We've had the real cold/dreary weather here the past two days as well. I still like it better than 90 and muggy...


Have a nice weekend ~
I miss you!!

Claire MW said...

Beautiful pictures. I am so envious of your strawberry jam. I got 2 strawberries off my plants this year. Two. Total. Boo hoo. I did make redcurrant jam, and had intended to make gooseberry jam, but when I went out to pick today, the bushes had been entirely stripped. Birds? Coons? Who knows, but no jam for me. :o(

tbsomeday said...

every time i read your posts i think about the things i want to comment on...and by the end i can't remember them all
so, i'm sorry if i forget something...but

mmmm--i'd love some of that strawberry jelly/jam (see already forgot--i think jam)

lol about watching the corn grow!
seems to be a good year for it :)

your flowers are beautiful!!
and you are such a sage are turning pink flowers blue...or at least know how to make the attempt...i don't even know what the names of the flowers are
i think your daughter should carry cone flowers! beautiful and simple
and CONGRATULATIONS on her getting married...i hope she and you all have a lovely time :)
very cute halley! what a great your pictures ALWAYS are!!

glad you did a weather blog--it has been so strange...which is fine since we still don't have air here :)

Tiffany said...

I can't decide if I like our current weather pattern or not. It's so nice to have the windows open all the time. However, I think my garden begs to differ with me about the cooler than normal temps.

Kathy said...

You take the most beautiful pictures!

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