
Friday, September 2, 2011

This is your assignment, should you choose to accept it.

Yup, I did it again. I have abandoned my blogging duties. But, after several 'gentle' nudges, and some not-so-gentle nudges in the form of comments left on my Facebook page, I got the hint that it was time to update.

First off, for those of you that don't follow my Crosswinds Farm page on Facebook, I have some sad news. I lost Willow, one of my favorite older ewes, a couple of weeks ago. We will miss her very much. I know that many of you have followed her on this blog over the years, and many of my market customers have made lovely garments from her fleece and looked forward to purchasing her fiber every year. I know they will miss her as well. That is all I want to say about that.

Other sad news. 
I had to say good-bye to Larry, my truck, recently as well. If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you have met Larry through the tales of the misadventures that occur every time my sister Marie and I take a road trip. As my husband so aptly put it, "You and Marie have been lost in some of the best parts of the country in that truck."  He was not even joking when he said it. Dead-pan serious.
I've had Larry for over 10 years and he has carried sheep from every corner of the Midwest, pulled horse trailers on the way to trail rides, hauled goodies home from various flea markets, and kept us safe through all kinds of weather, crazy traffic and misguided directions from a GPS that wanted us to drive off a cliff.....don't say it....

Good-Bye Larry :(

There is good news though. There is a new man in town. Meet.........ummm...
this guy.

Here's where I need your help. This guy does not have a name yet. We used to always say, " Let's take Larry." But now is like... " Hey, let's take...ummm...the truck." It just seems wrong.
We are going to need a name before our first official road trip in this truck to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool festival the 9th, 10th and 11th of September...I know, it's only a week away!  I have faith in you, you can work under pressure.
You can leave name suggestions either in the comment section of this blog, or on my Crosswinds Farm facebook page. I will pick the top three favorite submissions on Tuesday night...sometime...not midnight 'cause I have already been in bed for a couple of hours by then. I figure the deadline should be Tuesday night because that will give those of you who only read blogs and check Facebook while you are at work ( you know who you are) a chance to catch up after the long weekend's OK, I won't tell  your boss. Besides, this is so much more important. So, just get your suggestions on here soon(ish) and then I will add a poll on this blog on Wednesday so you can all vote on your favorite of those three.....geesh, I hope this works. In return, the winner will have the dubious distinction of being the person that named the truck, and in some small way you will always be a part of our awesome adventures. Thrilling, I know.  As if that wasn't rewarding enough, there will be fabulous and exciting prizes. 

This took a bit of deciding, and as most of you know, I am not good at deciding. 

SO, the winner will receive their choice of: 

An 8 ounce ball of roving .
Two - 2 ounce skeins of handspun  yarn .
For those of you that are not fiber enthusiasts, you can get 6 of my famous, homemade Salted Nut Rolls.

Here are the rules:
1) It has to be a people name...because it is much more fun to refer to him by a name associated with a human being, mainly because it really confuses people at a truck stop. For example: when you say, "Should we stop and wash Larry before lunch?"  it gives you many more raised-eyebrow-reactions from by-standers than, if his name was something like..The Blue Avenger.

2) It has to be a strong name...this guy is going to have to put up with a, listening to Marie's Queen CD's over, and over, at a decibel loud enough to shatter glass in passing vehicles..... I seriously have no idea why our husbands never want to come along on these adventures...I digress.

3) The new truck is a Ford, but it can't be named Henry, or Henri, because both my dad and my brother are Henris....Henries....Henrises....what is the plural of Henri, anyway? My point is, it would just be too confusing.

There you go. That is your assignment. Do it soon so we can decide on a name before the trip.

If you can, join us at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool festival. It is a huge, ginormous amount of fun. Make sure you stop by the Shetland Show on Saturday, there will be Shetland breeders from all over the country there with lots of pretty sheep ( and lots of other breeds as well ) can watch me embarrass myself by trying to drag a 120 pound ram around the show ring....I really should have started halter-training a long time ago.  It. Will. Be. Awesome.

Don't worry Garrett, we have a new GPS, so we won't be driving over any cliffs this theory.


Unknown said...

OMG... name him Fabio! Then the comments about 'washing Fabio' would be super funny. Plus, Fabio is a strong looking fella, nice and handsome and worth taking a ride with. :D

Ollamha Anne said...


Rayna said...

Oooh, he's sexy! Very sexy. I say Lorenzo! Sticking with L names :) And so sorry about Willow, I think I saw it, but never mentioned how sorry I was because I probably had to stop reading because it made me think of my Willow when I lost her. She was 12, and I miss her dearly. All white horned ewe, very nice curls. My Chalmeaux reminds me of her :) See you at Jefferson! We're heading out Thursday afternoon so we can get set up and stuffs :)

Miss Effie said...

OK -- Honey wanted me to name it "Honey" because ..... well, because!!! But we figured that would be too much for the neighborhood when you'd say "I'm taking Honey to the feedstore!" Not good.

Harrison. It needs to be Harrison. Cuz everyone wants Harrison Ford.

Mama Podkayne said...

Almost took you off a cliff? How about Louise? I know you said strong name, so there you go.

~*Sarah*~ said...

1. the new guy is hot, nice choice. 2. sheep and wool festival, that pretty much screams "sarah, come to this" hmmm...
3. I'll have to think on a name.

Anonymous said...

Hi Corinne, it's Penni. I've been outsmarted by the computer again and have no idea how to leave my name. But, here is my suggestion. I'm a Big Bang fan so my vote would have to be SHELDON.

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

well i'd name him 'Bo' to go with the sheep theme of little bo peep, only its a guy. Like Bo...ah crap some famous baseball player than i can't remember ( no caffeine + long day).

He could be little 'bo' blue, or something on that line. just sayin'. those nut rolls sound amazing....

Michelle said...

Oh, I LIKE Harrison! But my idea is "Richard," because it is derived from German, French, and English "ric" (ruler, leader, king) and "hard" (strong, brave, court), therefore it means 'powerful leader' as well as 'King's Court' -- in other words, very "blue-blood," like it's color!

(And although I would love your roving, my mouth has watered over Miss Effie's frequent mentions of your salted nut rolls so often that I am DYING to try them!)

Michelle said...

P.S. Have pity on those of us who aren't, and never plan to be, on FB!

moiraeknittoo said...

I vote for Paul. As in, Paul Bunyan...didn't he have an ox named Blue? Or Babe the Blue Ox? Something like that? Yeah, Paul. makes sense in my head. :D

Liz said...

Stephen. It's nice and reliable, like a good truck should be.

Nancy K. said...

I think you should name him Abe. Or Abner. Abe makes me think of Honest Abe who couldn't tell a lie ~ he'd never take you off a cliff!

Have fun at Jefferson ~ I wish I could be there to see everyone but I walked down to get my mail today and had to stop and rest on the way back up my driveway! I don't think I'm quite ready for a road trip....

lisa w. said...

Talked with Gary (well, my Gary) about this and our first thought was Eddy as in short for Edsel. Then it occurred to me that you have a family member with that name. So my second vote is Miles because it sounds cool and it works on two levels because he is a truck.

Sue said...

My thought while reading this was "Clint". It just looks like one-tough...and macho!
But then I read some of the comments. Wow-they're some goodies there!
Good luck on whatever you decide. It's a beautiful (handsome!) truck!

The Little Red Hen said...

The first name that came to my mind- was "Chuck". He looks like a Chuck.

Regaurdless - have fun at he wisconsin wool and sheep festival. WIsh I Was going. one of these years maybe.

Christine said...

Mike. As in Mike Rowe. He's hot, the truck is hot. Hello? Why am I the only one who thinks this is obvious?

melanie said...

Yup. I have to go with Harrison...

Unknown said...

Emmett is a good strong, country name...Emmett Blue is a great full name....

janna e said...

Looks like a Walter to me.

Laura said...

Bob like Bob the Tomatoe from Veggie Tales. You all ready had a Larry the Cucumber!!

Garry, Fred, Bill, Tom?

Bootzey said...

I like Otis, Stanley or Herman

Sharrie said...

Bruce.....a tried and true vehicle name

Linda said...

My Other Brother in the Bob Newhart show? Might be a little long!

Tammy said...

He looks like a Billy to me. Some of the toughest old guys I know are named Bill or Billy! You could also add the Blue for a last name. I too drool every time I hear about your salted nut rolls....
So sorry to hear about Willow. I have my own Willow--she is ten and grey as well and quite the fixture around here. It's mighty tough to lose them.

Anonymous said...

Theo. You should name the big blue guy, Theo! Iceman says to name him LeRoy!

Alanza said...

Dwayne. Not Duane.

Now can I have nut rolls?

Kelly said... in, "Gosh, my Willy is looking really dirty, I better wash it before I load him up for our lonnnnggg trip".
THAT will make folks at the gas station snicker behind their hands.

Kelly said...

oh, I want to play! :))

I think he looks like a Brody. Or maybe a Travis. :)

(I like Bruce too, Sharrie!)

Jill said...

Oh gosh I'm not good with picking names!! I'll think on that one! What sheep you taking to the WSWF?

Crosswinds Farm said...

Wow! Lots of great will we ever decide???

Marilyn had trouble posting here, but sent me an email suggesting Jefferson, because the first official trip will be to Jefferson.

Debbie said...

How about Lou? He is, after all, a great shade of blue. I also like Chuck, rhymes with truck. :)

Debbie (who has a llama named Leroy)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Erin Pepper said...
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Erin Pepper said...

What about Roy?
Hey, it was Loki's suggestion!

Jill said...

Trevor - you could call him "Trev" for short.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Everyone took the super cool names I had picked out. I KNOW you it is very hard decision to pick out a name for such a nice truck. So I think you should cook up a batch of those nut rolls, and I will drive clear out to your farm (sacrificial, I know) and we will eat nut rolls and come to some corporate decisions on a big sugar high. That would be super fun!



tbsomeday said...

Luke--totally looks like a Luke!
strong ford american ford name

you crack me up
love the new truck!

ps--so sorry to hear about willow
she was beautiful!

Jus_Sn said...

Name it Justin.

Jus_Sn said...
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Angie Litterst said...

Name him Tuck. As in, Tuck the Truck. Plus when he upsets you, there are other words that will rhyme nicely.

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