
Sunday, September 9, 2007


Saturday morning we went to the Wisconsin Sheep and wool festival in Jefferson Wisconsin. It is about a 3 hour drive from here, so it is a great little day trip. Last year was my first year attending the festival and I was on sheepy overload and just couldn't absorb it all, so I didn't take full advantage of all the information that was offered. This year I spent a bit more time at some of the demonstrations, listening to, and watching the judges at the fleece judging and sheep shows. I finally got to meet some of the other Shetland breeders that I have "met" through blogs or email over the past year.

This was part of the Shetland fleece judging. The judge ( I don't remember his name) did a great job of explaining exactly what he was looking at with each fleece; staple length, crimp, spinability, luster, and demonstrated how factors like nutrition and stress affect fleece quality. you really need sheep that are big enough to eat you should they suddenly decide to become omnivorous? I don't know. I am sure that they are lovely sheep, these Hampshires, but I think prefer my sheep closer to the size of my dog than the size of my pony. It was great fun to see the endless variety of breeds represented at the show.
I was happy to get back into the Shetland show barn to the colorful sheep with waggy tails.

This little cutie is one of Mary Ellen Kelly's spotties, I do love spots!

I always love to see kids getting in the show ring and taking pride in their animals, some of these kids did an exceptional job.
There were some handsome Shetland rams entered, these were the final four.
I think that the highlight of the show, for me, was when Juliann Budde took second place with her scurred ram lamb Damascus, the look on her face was PRICELESS! Unfortunately, my camera missed her initial reaction, but I think it is evident in this picture how happy she was leaving the ring.

As for me, I behaved myself..... for the most part. I didn't buy any new sheep.....well, okay, I must confess that I did talk to some breeders about sheep that they had for sale that they didn't bring to the show...whatever.
And, I was coveting this little ewe lamb, but I showed remarkably uncharacteristic self restraint by not even ASKING if she was for sale! Hmmmmm....I do however, have their email address......don't judge me.


~*Sarah*~ said...

I can't judge you. ...I'd have bought 3 and I don't even own sheep.

Impulse and all...

shepherdchik said...

I agree with you on the giant sheep. How is Cinnamon by the way!

Crosswinds Farm said...

It was fun meeting you too, Juliann! I am definitely planning on being there next year....I may even bring some sheepies with me.

Cinnamon is doing fine Chikie, he's staying a bit closer to home these days!

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