
Thursday, December 13, 2007


My darling Daughter, Nicole, reminded me this evening that I had promised to post some photos of my new little girl today. I have been having some trouble with my camera so these pictures are not the greatest....trying to navigate to get a decent camera angle while chasing sheep around on the ice was not nearly as enjoyable as one might think.

Here is Sommarang Edrea. She is a fawn katmoget with very nice conformation, a cute little fluke tail, a nice square rear, and she is very friendly.......

But, what I REALLY love about her, is her yummy fleece!

Last year when I was at Lori's Sommarang farm to pick up Daisy and Lilly, I was coveting Lori's katmoget ewe "Challis" who had the most incredible fleece. But alas, Lori would not part with her. So when I went to pick up rent-a-ram from Lori a couple of weeks ago, how could I pass up this Challis daughter....with this fleece????
I couldn't! I rest my case.


Nancy K. said...

I think it would have been criminal NOT to buy her!


~*Sarah*~ said...

Oh she is CUTE! That second picture cracks me up, something about her expression.

And to dream of Edrea yarn...

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