
Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby bumps...or my ewes are huge!

Today it was a balmy 60+ degrees outside and I wanted to get some photos taken of my bred ewes before it started raining in the afternoon. Now, this time of year it is difficult to get decent photographs, between the dull grey sky and the nondescript beige(ish) backdrop of dried grass and mud, pictures just don't come out very purty. But the point of these photos is just to give you an idea of belly sizes, so they will have to suffice

Sheepyhollow Lovey was bred to Maxamillion (ag/gulmoget). She is definitely bred and getting larger by the minute. Lovey always clues me in to the fact that she is, in fact, bred, more by her demeanor than anything else. Lovey gets super, well, lovey when she is expecting. Constantly following me around looking for belly scratches and pawing at me when I stop petting her. She is not the most gorgeous ewe, but she has thrown some really nicely conformed lambs with exceptional fleeces.

Lilly was bred to my handsome new spotted ram, ShelteringPines Khazar. I am not sure what to expect from Lilly. She has some minor conformation issues (longer tail) but threw a ewe lamb with really nice fleece two years ago, she was left open last year. Right now, she is probably one of the front-runners in the big belly contest...probably because she was one of the first ewes to throw her booty in front of the ram (she is a bit of a floozy).

Edrea has a more dainty baby bump. Edrea has the most gorgeous fleece, with uniform crimp from neck to breech. I am hoping for a spotted katmoget (or two) from her.
Daisy (right) was bred to Khazar also. She always has lambs with great conformation and fleece. I love her markings, and as an added bonus, she is modified. I should get some wild babies from her! Hmm.. I just noticed that she is standing really weird in this'll have to trust me, she does have good conformation.

Guinevere was bred to Max. This will be her first lambing so I am expecting a single from her...a gulmoget ewe lamb would be really nice, Guinie (hint, hint).
I put Fallon in with Max toward the end of breeding (after a lot of debating), since she was still a bit small. I can't tell yet if she settled, but I won't be upset if she didn't....I think I shall have plenty of lambies regardless. Fallon is super sweet with nice, crimpy, longer staple length fleece.And last we have Willow. Willow is HUGE. Yes, Willow has a ton of fleece, that is true, but if you could see this belly! It's enormous! I LOVE Willow. LOVE her. You can't tell because of her Ag, but Willow is spotted, she has awesome fleece, perfect conformation, great temperament and she has had the most beautiful babies...unfortunately, thus far, she has only thrown rammy lambies. Come on miss Willow, we know you can do it, push out some little girls this time!
Ah, yes, Sage. Sage looks like she is bred. She is not. I kept her far away from the boys. The only thing in there is a LOT of food. She is a pig. And as Nancy pointed out, she is asking a lot of those little legs!


Miss Effie said...

Looks like the time of year that I drive s-l-o-w-l-y by your place. Please don't call the NSP ... I am not a stalker. I'm just in love!

The girls look beautiful! Nothing like pregnancy to give a ewe a wonderful glow!

I'm lusting over Willow's fleece ... as always. Ok -- I'm fickle. I'm also lusting over Edie's fleece. And let's not tell Honey about my love for Max. He would never understand. And if he did, I would worry!!!

Your fleece addicted neighbor.

Blue Goose Farms said...

WOW! What wonderful Sheep! I will definetly have to see what you have in the fall sometime.

Nancy K. said...

Your ewes are BEAUTIFUL!
Poor Sage ~ look at those dainty, delicate little legs....


Anonymous said...

Wow, are we going to have some great lamb photos to look at one day soon!!!

I had to chuckle over your tale of Lovey pawing at you when you stop scratching her! I never imagined sheep - or goats, for that matter - as having that same "pet me" trait you find in domestic pets.

Nancy in Atlanta

Sharrie said...

Like Nancy said, "Your ewes are beautiful." I especially like Daisy; I think I got the right one.... Looks like lots of beautiful babies are in your future.

ChristyACB said...

While I wouldn't know a pure fancy sheep from a wild sheep I sure do like to look at them. Can't wait to see Lamby pictures. All these girls are adorable!

(Someday I hope to know something more about sheep, after the goats, chickens, ducks.....:)

Kara said...

Okay, mine look like that too. I started worrying that I was overfeeding them. Your girls are beautiful! I can't wait till all the blogs are filled with lambie pictures!

Michelle said...

Oh! Are YOU Clink's "sheepie neighbor"?

~*Sarah*~ said...

OMG...SAGE!! lol

I can't waaaaait.

Crosswinds Farm said...

Okay Miss Effie, am I gonna hafta call fleece-anon to get you some help?

Hehe you are on your way to addiction too :).

Hey Nancy K! Yeah...Sage has issues, that's why there were no boyfriends for her. I would like to find her a nice "pet home".

Nancy in Atl. you wouldn't believe the personalities on these little guys...they even wag their tails when you pet them!

Sharrie, should I save a couple for you :) mwahahahaha (evil laugh).

Crosswinds Farm said...

Christy, I still think they should at least let you keep a couple of chickens in suburbia....

Kara, Yeah, I have a problem with the overfeeding too...they baa like they are starving all the time, what is a shepherd to do?

Yes, Michelle, I am Sheepie Neighbor!

Crosswinds Farm said...

hiccup~Sage will get you for that!

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