
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tah- DAaah!

 Luna finally delivered...and boy did she ever deliver! I got my wildly spotted, ewe lamb that looks like she will have very fine fleece, just like I ordered. Thanks, Luna! I'll have some better pictures once she is all dried off and she is outside, but for now she is snuggled inside the barn bonding with her mama...and me ; ).

I don't have spring microns back yet, but Luna's fall micron was:
AFD. 24.0 / SD 6.2 / CV 26.0 / CEM 13.8 / <15 3.3/ CF 86.1/ SF 24.5.
Avyt, the lamb's sire, had a November micron of::
AFD.24.5 / SD 4.0 / CV 16.3 / CEM 6.9 / CF 94.1% / SF 22.9.

Perfect little Shetland tail too!
Now that lambing is officially completed, I will start putting together my 'For Sale' list....and get some rest! Oh, yeah, and think of names....

Official count 11 rams, 10 ewes.


Michelle said...

Wow, what a GRAND finale! I'm so happy for you (and jealous; very jealous)!

The Little Red Hen said...


Kelly said...

Yeah Luna!!! Now that's what I call a photo finish. Sooo, am I to guess you will probably be keeping this little girl? :)

Rose H (UK) said...

Well done Luna! Such a sweet little lamb :o)

Christine said...

Oh how I want a spotted lamb! *sigh*

Ginny said...

She is soooooo cute. I love the way it looks like she is smiling!! I bet she stays with you.

Anonymous said...

Wow Luna sure was cooking up something special!!

Crosswinds Farm said...

Michelle, you have no reason to be jealous, I've seen your lovely lambs!

Yes, this lambie will be staying with me. I am glad you all like her...and yes, Ginny, she does look like she's smiling!

Michelle said...

But, but - I want a HOLSTEIN lamb! ;-)

Judy T said...

Oh, she's lovely! Well done Luna!

Shula said...

What wonderful markings! Now I want to get a nice flecket ewe lamb to add to my flock lol. Congratulations and well done Luna.

365 Days On A Farm said...

What a wonderful many beautiful lambs. I am so happy for you. Rest up, you deserve it.

Teresa said...

Such an adorable little girl! I'm guessing she's a keeper.

Spinners End Farm said...

She looks like a flashy wild child...beautiful!

Unknown said...

Haha! I am still trying to find a way to fold your lambs up into suitcases! Perhaps by the time I come back again, I will have a technique perfected!! :)

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