I finally got to meet my friend Sheri (whom I had never actually met in person), at her Sunset Hill Alpaca Farm. We "met" last fall through a mutual spinner friend, who thought that Sheri and I might be able to share information with each other, since we both raise fiber animals. We kept in touch with email and a phone call or two through the winter. Yesterday, I finally got to go out and see her farm and meet all of her gorgeous babies. Upon meeting Sheri, it was interesting to find out that she had imagined me as being overweight with dark hair, hmmmm, I must have a chubby voice. I guess maybe I should add a photo to my profile.

Sheri and one of her boys.

These are some more of the boys, or "Thorns" as Sheri refers to them. She has a female alpaca named Rose and for the last 3 years she has hoped for a
female cria (baby alpaca) out of Rose. Instead of a pretty rose bud, all she has gotten are thorns! Although I must say, these boys are pretty darn handsome.
Finally this year she had her little Rose Bud.
Four day old Rose Bud and Mama Rose.

"Hey, I'm pretty cute too.....I think....I can't see very well through all of this hair".

If you like spinning Alpaca fiber, you
have to get some of her fiber. Clean, clean, clean and soft. And
extremely reasonably priced. She also has some mill spun yarn.

This is some roving that I picked up for my niece who just got her first spinning wheel, perhaps this will inspire her to update her
blog (hint).
Isn't the Internet wonderful? I think about how lucky I have been to have met so many interesting, enjoyable people through my sheep and this silly computer.
I do, however, sometimes question my judgement at traveling halfway across the country to pick up sheep, sometimes in the middle of nowhere, from someone that I have never actually met, without giving it a second thought ( hmmm....sounds like stuff that I warned my children not to do...although, I don't think that they are inclined to pick up sheep...more so the not meeting strangers on the Internet thing). Most of the time my sister, Marie, accompanies me on these excursions....well, now there's a lot of protection. My husband doesn't really worry about me when I go on these sheep procurement expeditions though, he is fairly confident that if some ill intentioned person was to snatch up Marie and I, the perpetrator would be the one calling him, in tears, begging, "PLEEAASSE, come and get them, I can't take it anymore".
AHH! I just LOVE crias...they're just soooo cute! My mom has two gelding alpacas, they're just charming creatures. Glad she finally had a girl!
uhn....I know not of what you speak.
But...in fear that you may hold my beloved new fiber ransom, I'll try to get something in the form of a blog post in the next 24 hours. just...don't...hurt the fiber.
and what's funny is I pictured her to be husky blonde cowgirl type. I was wrong :)
and now I'm feeling lightheaded from all the glorious fiber pictures. I need to lay down. bring fiber to revive me.
That DOES look like yummy fiber. I got to try some Suri alpaca roving this winter, and it was DELICIOUS!
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