Knowing that Daisy was due to lamb on Thursday, I put her in a lambing jug that afternoon where she proceeded to dig up a storm, spewing straw to the far corners of the earth, but was not showing any signs of active labor. I checked her before I went to bed Thursday night...nothing... got up at 12:30 am to make sure she was okay, still no change. I went back to bed
sure that she was just toying with me, making me get up to check on her, and then laughing-her little sheepy laugh-as I stumbled around in a sleepy stupor. By the time I got up.. again.. at 5am she had already delivered twins that were cleaned up and nursing with full bellies.
AND... I sort of got my spots.
This is Daisy's ram lamb. A very nice black Smirslet, sokket. 2 rear socks, and a white tip on his tail. Not exactly wildly spotted, or one of Nancy's fancy HST's, but pretty darn cute and will carry enough spots to hang around here. He also looks like he will have nice fleece.

Daisy also had a ewe lamb. Yup, you guessed it, a dark moorit (brown) with a small krunet marking and ridiculously crimpy fleece. Hmmmm, I think there is a theme here. This is dark moorit/krunet lamb
#4...well... I wanted brown! Sage is due at the end of the month, she is musket and rent-a-ram was dark moorit, so
more brown babies to come!
I already had plans in place to take my raw fleece from this year's shearing for processing to
Abi's fiber studio on Friday, so after I was sure that Daisy's new family was settled in, my friend/fellow chicken hoarder, Cathy, and I set out for Abi's. After an accidental, and then an intentional detour (not my fault, there was a road missing...never mind) we arrived at Abi's, and unloaded my truckload of fleece.
It is always fun to visit with Abi, she is one of those people that has an endless flow of creative ideas and exudes artistic energy. So when Cathy and I left her place, we felt like we should go home and create something. We didn't, we just felt like we should.
Some of Abi's "pretties".

The trees at Abi's farm were beautiful. Boy, I thought that
I had a lot of blooms on
my trees. These were just loaded. I just missed a photo of a hummingbird tasting the blossoms.

Abi and her husband, Michael, also have a
parrot rescue . Many of the birds that they take in have very sad stories and have been abused or neglected, some are turned over by people who can no longer care for them for various reasons, but once they are at the rescue, life is pretty darn good. Some of these birds get adopted out, but many have special needs and end up staying at the rescue so that they can be cared for properly. I admire the dedication and patience that Mike and Abi have in caring for their birds and all of the issues that come with them.

I am so thankful for all of the amazing people that I have met through my sheep and our little farm. I just can't imagine doing anything else.
Oh yeah...and Happy Mothers Day.
LOL! I was afraid that you would see/want those pretties, but when was the last time you picked up some knitting needles my dear?
She is working on a scarf for me. My last one was stolen.
This blog is as entertaining as can be. It truly lifts my spirits.
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