Parking lot.
Employee parking.
I like a lot of strange things to snack on, and stringtown has plenty of goodies for me like: Honey roasted sunflower seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds, corn nuts, roasted peas. And lots of great ingredients for making my homemade granola.
Gary has different ideas of yummy snacks.
There is also a "dent and bent" store down the road that sells random overstock or slightly outdated items really cheap. I found lots of chocolate there. Marie filled up a cart with all kinds of stuff ( Marie doesn't mess around when she has a grocery cart). We checked out and filled the car to capacity with our new found treasures (We should have brought the truck, darnnit). We headed down the road with every intention of going straight home.....until we saw this little shop along the way, with two building full of STUFF.
I love stuff (A.K.A. junk), just the thought of it makes my heart go pitter pat. I love antiques and bits and pieces of things and....whatever, I love it all. Mostly, I don't know why, but I love old chairs. Love them, don't need them, doesn't matter that I have no where to put them, I love chairs. Maybe it's the inner lazy person in me trying to get out and sit down? This place had stuff!
AND CHAIRS! After picking through rooms full of odds and ends, I found a chair that I fell in love with, don't know why, even had myself talked out of it, until 'evil shopping temptress sister' convinced me that I needed it. Gary is no help, he's like, "yeah, I like that, you should get it". I stayed strong, resolving that I would not crumble to peer pressure. Then E.S.T. sister says, "I will get that for you for Christmas". How could I say no to that?
YAY! Me and my chair...that is E.S.T. in the background. They didn't have shopping carts there, but she still managed to buy armloads of stuff.
Since Marie was so nice to buy me my chair, I had to buy this nifty tray....for myself!
YAY! Me and my chair...that is E.S.T. in the background. They didn't have shopping carts there, but she still managed to buy armloads of stuff.
What? I already have something for her for Christmas! Don't judge me.
My chair :).
Pretty details :).
Our "Quick trip" started at 8:30 a.m. and we returned home at 2 much for getting things done today. Next time we are taking the truck!
OMG!!! where is the house of
srsly. See that creamy white set of drawers to your right? (well, my right...between you and evil temptress) Must. Have. That.
and your chair is lovely, had I been there I'd have cast a vote for "must go home with you".
....mostly because it couldn't go home with me, my husband would kill me if I brought home ANOTHER old chair. :)
Beautiful chair! I wanna go to those places! WAAA! All we have in the area are a couple Goodwills and Salvation Armys and a random run down thrift shop or two.
I keep trying to click on the picture to make it bigger so I can see all the little stuff! *huff* I love knick nacks...milk glass...old avon stuff....anything shiney...did I say that? I think I was a raven in a past
Damn! I've tried really really hard to keep that great little place a secret!
Hiccup -- you wouldn't like it. I'm sure you wouldn't like. Just to make sure you wouldn't like it -- Sheepie Neighbor and I may have to make a holiday run.
With Larry ..... the truck.
Marie had never been to STRINGTOWN? I can't believe that one. What kind of sister are you???
Rayna you must be related to us in some way!! and yes, it was an incredible great way to "waste" a Saturday!! Next time we need the truck and maybe a trailer!!
Sarah, don't fight your chair fettish, it's genetic! You must come along one of these days!
Rayna, Salvation army and Goodwill can have some pretty cool stuff too. You and Marie and I share what Garrett calls A.D.O.S. attention deficit.....oooohhh shiney!
Oh yeah, Clink, we are takin' the truck!
Angie, C'mon! I finally took her!I didn't know that you were a fan too, maybe you should come along next time.....just leave the boys and the playdoh home!
Marie, maybe the truck, a car, and a trailer??
Oh, I so love those places too! There is a large Amish area about 35 minutes south of where I live and they have some very nice bulk stores & "junk" stores as my dad calls them. I am taking a personal day on Friday to go down list has already been started and I love roasted pumpkin seeds too! You know I don't drink or smoke so I am entitled to all that "junk"!!! I loved the pictures you posted!
That chair is GORGEOUS! I would have snatched it up with no second thoughts. BTW-do you cane? I even snatch up chairs with no seat, telling myself I will cane them when I have the time. Yeah, right. (That explains the seatless collection in the shed...)
Kristi, Have fun on Friday! I hope you find LOTS of good "junk".
Melanie, I need to learn how to cane...because of my obcession with old chairs. My friend "Miss Effie" that I mention a lot is learning how to...maybe I will just sent my seatless chairs to SHE has any free time!
I sure wish we had places like that around here....wait.....maybe I don' animals spend enough of my money as it is! Thanks for giving such a great tour!
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