Here she is today at 1 1/2 weeks old. I think she is going to have a very nice lacing pattern to her feathers.This is one of my Araucana/Americana/Easter eggers...which ever name you prefer. Murray Mcmurray advertises them as Araucanas, but they are not a true Araucana, so probably Easter Egger would be more accurate (they lay the blue/green eggs).
Here she is at 1 1/2 weeks old. Her plumage is really starting to pop.This was one of the Rhode Island Reds.
This one has grown considerably as well.......unfortunately it is looking like "she" is a cockerel (male).
In other gender confusion, my pretty, dark moorit yearling ewe has decided to sprout little horn buds...not that there's anything wrong with that.. I am just not a huge fan of horned ewes. I guess I will have to get over it because I love this ewe. Love her.
"Sorry mom, but they go with my personality".
How can you tell at that young age who will be a rooster?
Michelle, at this point I am just going by what characteristics I am seeing. This chick is a bit larger than the other RI Reds with longer legs and carries itself more like a roo already (more upright and..well..cocky). But then I could be all wrong LOL. It's hard to tell for sure at this point. In a couple of weeks combs will start to change, that will help.
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