"Here mom, let me give you a hand..er..paw".
Junior was just content to sit atop the hay bales and snooze.
Brown Kitty took her spot just inside the barn. She is not fond of the dogs and doesn't like to come out where they are. She is much too sophisticated for those horse-apple-eatin' canines.
I have been commenting on how enormous everyone else's ewes are getting...I guess I needed to take a look in my own pasture! I think I owe an apology to Dream and Nancy : ).
This is Willow "Thistle Keep Teleus Longtail". It is looking likely that she will be one of the first to lamb. She had a single (polled) ram lamb last year. She is much larger this year, I am certain that she will have twins (ewes please).Edrea, my fawn katmoget, will be a first time mom. She is not huge, and for her sake I am hoping that she only has a single....Katmoget ewe would be nice...whatever..cute fuzzy lamb..I'm not picky.
Lovey is also looking very "ripe", but she was a bit camera shy today.
Day 147 (possible due date) will be April 26th
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